To Our "Survival Foods
& Their Preparation" Section |
by Kurt Saxon
You must be familiar with corn nuts. They are put up in plastic snack bags and are
sold in most gas station markets. They cost about 25 cents an ounce and are made from
Hickory King Corn, a larger type than feed corn.
The only difference between Hickory King and other varieties is the size. There is
no difference in taste. So you can make all the corn nuts you like and be assured they are
just as good as the commercial kind and cost next to nothing.
Corn nuts are a variation of parched corn. Indians and pioneers ate parched corn
almost as a staple while traveling. It -was very nutritious and took up little space so
was considered an excellent trail food.
Parched corn was made by Indians by putting dried corn on hot rocks or in hot
coals. You can make parched corn by simply covering the bottom of a greaseless frying pan
with corn and stirring until the kernels are uniformly brown.
Corn nuts are a little more refined. As a sample batch, use one cup of whole corn,
bought from any feed or health food store. Soak the kernels in two cups of water for three
days, in the refrigerator .
Pour off the water and dry the kernels in a towel. Heat up about four cups of
grease; bacon, lard, vegetable oil; it doesn't matter. When it is so hot a drop of water
sputters on its top, lower a heaping tablespoon of kernels into the middle of the grease.
The grease will then begin to boil violently. You have to know how it will react so you
won't be tempted to just dump the whole cup in and watch the grease erupt all over the
Make sure any handle to the container is turned toward the back of the stove,
especially if you have a child standing by. Also, stand back as an occasional kernel will
pop like popcorn.
At first the kernels will sink to the bottom and most will rise to the surface as
their moisture departs. When they float to the surface watch until they turn copper brown.
Take out a kernel occasionally, let it cool a minute and chew it. If it's chewey
it's not done. When it crunches and shatters it is. Then scoop the browned kernels out
onto a piece of newspaper to absorb the grease.
Now you can continue a heaping tablespoonfull at a time and cook them about three
minutes or, cautiously and slowly pour the rest of the cup in. After the boiling stops the
kernels will rise and simmer on top. But the whole cupful
will cause the grease to cool
some so the real cooking will take about fifteen minutes.
All you're doing is deep frying them. You can experiment with a shallow frying pan
or a deep fat cooker. The result will be the same. With salt, they will be delicious.
Don't use the same grease for more than three or more batches. The heat breaks
down its molecules in time -and it can be unhealthful.
You might also try deep fat frying soybeans. They are tasty but not so much as
corn nuts. Soybeans need only be soaked overnight. Also, they cook in a shorter time and
are lighter than copper brown and do not become exactly crunchy; something between chewy
and crunchy. Munchy. Tasty with salt.
Both corn nuts and deep fried soybeans can be mixed for party snack bowls or while
watching TV.

Several Links To Some Online
Sources Of "Hominy Sized" Seed Corn
