by Kurt Saxon
(From THE SURVIVOR; Volume 8)
Corn and beans have been staple foods for thousands of years. Those American Indians who farmed grew corn, beans and squash as the main elements of their diets. All three are easy to grow, are very productive, filling and nutritious. In fact. one could live on these three foods, and many have had to.
While researching this article I talked to many Southerners who remembered corn and beans as their mainstays as children during the Great Depression. Cornbread and cornmeal…
The first European settlers in this country were ignorant of the ways of the wilderness. Some of them had been old campaigners in civilized lands, but they did not know the resources of American forests, nor how to utilize them. The consequence was that many starved in a land of plenty. The survivors learned to pocket their pride and learn from the natives, who, however contemptible they might seem in other respects, were past masters of the art of going “light but right.” An almost naked savage could start out alone and cross from the Atlantic…
This article came from the 39th (May/June 1976) issue of The Mother Earth News.
One look at the prices quoted in this article, and everyone will know
that it would have to be “at least” 30+ years old! —- Cary
Last spring, my wife and I were faced with a problem that I suppose most folks run into sooner or later: We wanted a garden—in fact, we desperately needed a garden—but we didn’t have any place to put one.
At the time, I had just left the Army…
Attaining Gardening Success
Live out west? Have you given up gardening because you found it: (1) takes too much fertilizer and (2) takes too much water? Well, you can start in again. Experience has shown that in many western areas—especially in the southern sectors of California, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico—an abundance of vegetables for the householder’s own use can be grown on an ordinary city lot, and on nearly a year-around basis.
How can this be done, economically? Simply by putting back into the ground organic materials which come from…
Why Grow Your Own Food?
TODAY, MORE AMERICANS than ever before want to grow their own fruits and vegetables. The objective is more wholesome, fresh, chemical-free, luscious-tasting foods.
People are tired of mealy, weeks-old, warehouse-ripened produce with a tainting of insecticide or weed killer. They want quality foods for themselves and their family. Yet about the only way to insure this is to grow them yourself. This keen interest in growing fruits and vegetables at home is the reason for the publication of this book.
Whenever any space is available, no matter…
- I. RODALE,Editor-in-Chief
Robert Rodale, Editor
Jerome Olds, Executive Editor
- C. Goldman,Managing Editor
Maurice Franz, Managing Editor
Jerry Minnich, Associate Editor
Compilation Supervised by Dorothy Franz and Jerome Olds
An Introduction To The Forward
Of The Above Volume
To the best of my knowledge, the above book has been out of print for more than twenty years. Clicking on the “Title” link will take you to a book sales page where you…
“What Would Patton Have Said About Terrorists like Islamic Extremists?”
When I found this in my e-mails folder I just had to forward it to all hands!
Please forgive the language, but Patton really did talk that way!
God bless,
Whoever dreamed this up must have either served under Patton or else watched the movie as often as I’ve watched The Godfather, because it’s spot on, both from content and “presentation” standpoints.
The revenue of the state is the state.— Edmund Burke, 1793
From “The Confederate Yankee” 7/31/10
July 31, 2010
A Nation On The Edge Of Revolt
Ernest S. Christian and Gary A. Roberts wonder aloud whether the power grabs of the Obama Administration and the ruling class mentality of entrenched Democrat and Republican political machineswill lead to a Second Revolutionary War.
I’ll lay it out bluntly for you; either the American people—not extremists, but good and decent patriotslike your neighbors and yourselves—will revolt and destroy the ruling class and reform our governmentbased upon first principles, or the United States we know as our forefather conceived it is dead.
I do not state this as…
Wheels Of Rage
Book & Screenplay by Kurt Saxon
©2001 by The Author
Opening: The screen is dark. There is a low sound of motorcycle engines, increasing in volume. The credits begin with the book’s cover. As the volume rises to full blast the screen is filled with the book’s drawn illustrations, over which the credits are superimposed.
Scene 1
Interior. A dimly-lit, sleazy modern biker’s bar. About a dozen scroungy bikers are sitting around listening to an old biker, obviously out of it, but one who has been…
Dear Doug,
In 1962 the United States government discovered nuclear EMP when the lights went out in Hawaii after a nuclear test detonation. 50 years later, we are no closer to hardening our infrastructure against such a devastating attack than we were then.
It’s true that there are degrees of EMP. A solar flare will not produce the harsh aftermath of a missile blowing up in the skies above the United States. But a solar flare is not what we need to be worried about. Rogue terrorist cells can easily…