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Clarence the Mighty Martian Slayer – Chapter 5

CLARENCE THE MIGHTY MARTIAN SLAYER By Kurt Saxon Chapter Six ALL MUSLIMS ARE MARTIANS (And at the bottom of this…continue reading

Clarence the Mighty Martian Slayer – Chapter 4

CLARENCE THE MIGHTY MARTIAN SLAYERBy Kurt SaxonChapter Four: RADIO BEAMS FROM MARS For several days and nights Clarence stayed glued to…continue reading

Clarence the Mighty Martian Slayer – Chapter 3

CLARENCE THE MIGHTY MARTIAN SLAYERBy Kurt SaxonChapter Three:ALL MUGGERS ARE MARTIANS Ten Martian recruiting centers had been turned into infernos.…continue reading

Clarence the Mighty Martian Slayer – Chapter 2

CLARENCE THE MIGHTY MARTIAN SLAYER©1993 By Kurt SaxonChapter Two:CLARENCE AND THE GAY MARTIANS Clarence struggled up the three flights of…continue reading

Clarence the Mighty Martian Slayer – Chapter 1

CLARENCE THE MIGHTY MARTIAN SLAYERBy Kurt SaxonChapter One:THE DAY MARS INVADED WASHINGTON Clarence hated Martians. He had hated them since…continue reading

Fantasy & Weaponry by Kurt Saxon

FANTASY & WEAPONRYBy Kurt SaxonA pistol for the bedroom, A shotgun over the door, A 30-06 for reaching out; You…continue reading

The Solar Greenhouse That’s Right for You

The Solar Greenhouse That’s Right for You (Text & illustrations for this web page came from the August, 1978 issue…continue reading

The Perfect 3.3 Cent Breakfast

The Perfect 3.3 Cent Breakfast By Kurt Saxon (An Economic Note: All the prices quoted on this page are in…continue reading


THE FANTASTIC FLY!  by Kurt Saxon From THE SURVIVOR; Volume Six: Issue 12 You’ve probably never given it a thought…continue reading

Saving Money With A Thermos Bottle

Saving Money With A Thermos Bottle By Kurt Saxon Many subscribers write that they will eventually buy all my books…continue reading